Raff Tachdjian, MD, Founder Children's Music Fund

December 23, 2020 | Blogs and News

Happy Holidays!

Dear CMF Family,

This year has been challenging to say the least, and through it all, you were there for us. What is truly special, is that the gifts you have given us, have given back even more.
Through your generosity, you helped us to:
  • Transition to Telehealth Music Therapy services to support children like little Emma during her chemotherapy treatments.
  • Donate instruments to underserved youth at UCLA Mattel Children’s and Adventist Health White Memorial Hospitals in Los Angeles.
  • Provide over 100 Music Therapy sessions for Boston Children’s Hospital for children needing comfort.
  • Place mobile recording studios with instruments for two UCLA affiliate hospitals to bring joy to pediatric wards where the pandemic lockdown limits a child’s visitation to only one family member a day.
  • Sponsor research that demonstrates health benefits of Music Therapy.
  • And, many more acts of kindness!

See how your financial support is a gift that has given back even more. You have made the difference in lives of children and brought comfort and smiles when hope was fading. Our mission of helping children heal through Music Therapy to overcome their pain, fear, anxiety, and now, isolation too, happens because of you.

Helping More Children in 2021

With great anticipation, we look forward to all of what’s in store in 2021! We are already well underway in expanding our Music Therapy Services, collaborating with organizations that focus on youth with rare and chronic illnesses to reach non-hospitalized children, working with corporations that share our values to sponsor research initiatives, and having our selfless CMF Ambassadors help to increase awareness. Join us on our journey to elevate Music Therapy as a standard of care in healing. Every sick child deserves this!

As the holidays are upon us and the end of the year is near, we ask you to consider Children’s Music Fund for any gifts you would be giving for year-end tax deductions. Please contact us if you would like to become a corporate sponsor or have a referral that would like to help children in need.

We are grateful for all the gifts you have given as they forever give back so much more. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season filled with memories and music.

With gratitude,
Raffi Tachdjian, MD, MPH
Founder & President